
We have spent a lot of time sourcing natural eco-friendly products along with working out ways we can use less plastic packing. We have equipped our bathrooms with dispensers rather than bottles or soap to reduce packaging and help support us with our vision. We also have a recycling area, compost and worm farm.

We are replacing our light bulbs with power saving bulbs as we go. Reducing energy used for lighting will help us consume less energy and use less bulbs. We also ask our guests to reduce their power usage as much as possible.

We have a comprehensive recycling programme that we are always looking to improve. We have a large compost bin and worm farm. We also collect food scraps for chickens and used soap bars for Beyond Skin Deep.

Our Goal
At Tokaanu Lodge Motel we believe that creating sustainable experiences will help spark a desire to make positive changes in people’s own lives, homes, environment and communities once our guests return home.